Our Story
In May of 2021, we decided to take the leap of faith and buy 20 acres of land. We uprooted our family from the suburban life, which is the only life we’ve known, to start a completely new adventure. We never owned a chicken before, let alone thought about where our food has come from, besides the grocery store. We spent our whole lives living in the dark.
As the world became more crazy, God lead us down a path we never imagined we’d be traveling on, self-sufficiency. We have a long way to go in order to actually be self-sufficient; however, we try to improve and get a little closer each year.
As we moved from a loud, distracting environment towards a more quiet setting, we are able to acknowledge and actively see how God uses His creation around us for good. Maybe that was His intention for us all along. While mowing our future pasture field, birds swoop down in front to feed on the insects that try to leap for safety. We witness bees communicating, through dance, with the other bees, letting them know where to find the nectar, then taking it back to the hive to make sweet honey. Not only are we learning how to raise our own food, but are learning about the wild game that God provides. We are learning the significance of the seasons and what our role as homesteaders needs to be during each season. We understand how weeds like dandelions and animal manure nourish the soil to grow healthy plants without any chemicals. We are learning how wild plants on our property and herbs can help cure common ailments. We are able to see how the animals and plants can give back to us and enhance our health and life. How everything works together so perfectly is just amazing, and we are in awe every time we have the opportunity to witness the intricate connections.
We have also realized, that this isn’t for the faint of heart. We only get one life. This is a hard life; but it is a rewarding life, and we are practicing and strengthening our faith in the process. We look forward to learning as much as we can, teaching others along the way, and bringing joy to those around us.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”